Accountancy services

If you run a business you will need accounts prepared in order to complete your annual tax return. This applies from the smallest business owner working from home, through partnerships to limited companies and small charities. We can prepare all of the required accounts from a simple profit statement through to statutory accounts for filing with H.M. Revenue and Customs and Companies House as well as the Charities Commission, all at competitive rates. Please call us and we will be happy to give you a quote.



February 2025


We are able to assist in all areas of taxation from self assessment to capital gains tax, inheritance tax and corporation tax. We can advise on expenditure that may be claimed to help reduce tax liabilities and give guidance on whether a partnership or incorporation could be beneficial to your circumstances.


If you have employees, dealing with the payroll can be a little daunting so why not leave it to us?

We can assist by:

  • Setting up a new PAYE scheme
  • Preparing weekly and/or monthly payslips
  • Advising you of PAYE liabilities due
  • Dealing with SSP and SMP calculations
  • Processing all RTI submissions with HMRC
  • Completing the financial year end return and providing P60 certificates

In addition to payroll we are also able to advise regarding your pension scheme obligations. As an employer this an area that you must consider especially as there are penalties for non-compliance. We can arrange for the set up of a new scheme, liaise with your employees regarding their options and generally make the process much easier for you.





Other Services

We work closely with a company formation agent and can arrange for a new company to be quickly incorporated and then guide you through the process. We can deal with all of the form filling that is required, from Confirmation Statements to changes in directors, that goes with running a company.

Need a registered office? Why not use our address. This is a free service to clients that wish to take advantage.

Bookkeeping? Yes we can assist with that also. This can be particularly important if you have quarterly VAT returns to file. We can run manual bookkeeping for you or maybe you would like to share access via an accounting package such as Quick Books or Iris. We can accommodate whatever you need.

VAT? We can deal with that as well. From advising about registration, registering your business and completing and submitting all of your returns.



Can we help?

If you need a service that we have not mentioned we would be pleased to talk to you to see if we can help in any way.
